About us

Agronefteproduct Company - is one of today's leaders of the grain traid industry of Russia. Our main approach is the best purchase prices, prompt payment, flexibility in deals with customer. Our reputation is confirmed by many years of work with the world's leading grain traders (Switzerland, Netherlands, France), as well as with direct buyers in Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Israel, etc. It is very important to us to have reliable and long term relationship with our partners -suppliers and agricultural producers: farmers, family grain enterprises and agricultural holdings with a world name. That's why every agricultural producer will not remain without attention of our team and always get the best price, expert support and competent advisory

Supply of grain and oil seeds is provided by Agronefteproduct worldwide, both directly and via the world's largest traders. The purchase of grain is conducted in all regions of Russia

If you planning to sell grain or soya beans, do not hesitate to contact our experts. They organize sampling, independent analysis of the grain, provide prompt shipment. And, of course, everything will be paid accurately and on time.

Agronefteproduct Company is among leaders of the Russian export grain market. We offer our suppliers a wide network of regional representatives in the Southern Federal District, our own logistics centre and financial management. Because of this, each agricultural producer and wholesale agent will not remain without support of our managers and will always receive peer review and professional consultation. The Company has earned an impeccable reputation as a reliable and responsible partner.

Our main principles and goals:

  • developing an honest and open relationship with partners and customers;
  • the most attractive prices in the market and flexible purchase terms;
  • the implementation of international business standards;
  • quick response to customers requests and market conditions;
  • continuous improvement of the quality of services.

... Grain market in the South of Russia is actively developing. New companies emerge, someone merges, someone turns business off. Agronefteproduct Company with the honor keeps the title of one of the most dynamic, reliable and experienced market operators. We are ready to share our experiences, to maintain and develop relationships with farmers, grain traders and transport companies. It is important for us to make this cooperation stable and mutually beneficial.

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